Sunday, 18 January 2015


So a few of you have Emailed me asking for some cheats although many of them are online just by searching for The Sims 4 Cheats | but i thought id put up a few here for you guys.

This is a list of cheats in The Sims 4 that allow you to get money, prevent death, and adjust your Skill and Career levels.

First thing you need to do is open the Cheat Console by pressing Control + Shift + C.
From there, you can type commands that function as cheats for The Sims 4. Press enter to activate the cheat, then press control + shift + c again to close the cheat console.

Here's a quick list of the main cheats you may need:

  • Type kaching or rosebud - Gives the family $1000 each time you type them.
  • Type Motherlode - Gives the family $50,000 each time you type it.
  • Sim Stuck? Type Resetsim Firstname Lastname - to reset a stuck Sim back to the home lot and resume your game.
  • Money then tyoe the desired amount Example: Money 5000000. This will give you $5000000

once you have the cheats enabled Shift-Click the Mailbox to access the ability to lock needs for your current household or the entire neighborhood. Disable Need Decay will make needs stop falling; re-enabling them is as simple as selecting Enable Need Decay. Make Happy will then fill needs to the maximum. You can do this on an individual Sim level by Shift-Clicking Your Sims. This will let you select to make only that Sim's needs static or make them happy by filling all needs. You are also able to completely redesign a Sim by shift-clicking them and selecting Modify in CAS. This takes you to Create-A-Sim where you can make the Sim look however you want, but not change their gender or traits.

Careers Cheats

Type Careers.promote X - Example: careers.promote astronaut would promote your Sim 1 level in the Astronaut career. 

Skill Cheats

Type Stats.set_skill_level skill X with X :

  • Example: Stats.set_skill_level major_handiness 10 - makes handiness 10. 

  • Here are all the skills you can type
    • Major_Bartending (Mixology)
    • Major_Charisma
    • Major_Comedy
    • Major_Fishing
    • Major_Gardening
    • Major_GourmetCooking
    • Major_Guitar
    • Major_Handiness
    • Major_Herbalism
    • - Outdoor Retreat Game Pack
    • Major_HomestyleCooking
    • Major_Logic
    • Major_Mischief
    • Major_Painting
    • Major_Piano
    • Major_Programming
    • Major_Reaping
    • Major_RocketScience
    • Major_VideoGaming
    • Major_Violin
    • Major_Writing
    • Skill_Child_Creativity
    • Skill_Child_Mental
    • Skill_Child_Motor
    • Skill_Child_Social
    • Skill_Fitness